Published: March 8th, 2010 in Latest News
TLBK have over doubled in size in the previous eight months to have 60 offices across the UK from Glasgow all the way down to Lymington. This growth has made TLBK the largest bookkeeping and financial management brand in the UK with more local access to businesses than any other firm in the UK. Phil Gaffer, Recruitment Manager, explains, ?We have been inundated with requests by qualified and experienced financial management professionals to join our network. Due to our very strict recruitment process, we only take on a very small percentage of those however this has still given us a massive jump in network numbers.? Many financial management professionals are looking to open TLBK offices around the UK because they are passionate about helping SME businesses become more successful and understand that through the TLBK network they are able to offer that in a service that is high quality yet accessible in both price and location. TLBK is continuing to grow and is forecasted to be on over 100 offices by the end of 2010. ¯